HINCare in InnoX Camp Winter 2022
Opening Ceremony for Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing Two
HINCare Presentation to HK Sheng Kung Hui
Pioneering Work and Study in Data Science
HINCare in Faculty of Engineering News
HINCare won the Certificate of Merit in HKICT Awards 2021!
HINCare has been selected as one of Knowledge Exchange Impact Projects 2020-2021
HINCare in Science Exposition
Radio Interview of Prof. Reynold Cheng on HINCare and Social Big Data by Metro Broadcast
Invitation to the Hong Kong Laureate Forum: Pre-Forum Events "Science Exposition"
Invitation to the Jockey Club SMART Family-Link Project Symposium誠邀參與「賽馬會智家樂計劃」研討會2021」
Hong Kong Time Banking Network Platform 2nd Seminar香港時間銀行網絡平台第二屆研討會
織福計劃on TV!織福計劃上電視呀!
HINCare got introduced in several newspaper ! 多間新聞媒體報導介紹HINCare!
HINCare gets Knowledge Exchange award (Engineering)HINCare榮獲2021年學院知識交流獎(工程學院)
HINCare on HKUGA Webinar香港大學畢業同學會網上講座介紹了HINCare
SKH Started Mobile Digital Support Station將軍澳聖公會發起流動數碼支援站
HKEJ Introduced our Project!信報財經月刊介紹了我們項目!
We Got Merit Award !我們得了優異獎!