HINCare is delighted to announce its new partnership with Hong Kong PHAB Association Ping Chau. As the 9th partner with HINCare, PHAB Ping Chau will use Time banking Platform developed by HINCare to facilitate their volunteering work. HINCare Time banking Platform provides powerful, efficient and secure services for NGOs to deliver their social caring work.
Now, there are 9 NGOs using HINCare Platform to promote community Time Bank Project:
Hans Andersen Club Limited (Hans)
Sheng Kung Hui Tseung Kwan O ("SKH TKO")
Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service ("Yang")
Conservative Baptist Jubilee Centre Limited (“Jubilee”)
Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong (“YMCA”)
People Service Centre Limited ("PSC")
Christian Family Service Centre (CFSC)
Sheng Kung Hui Tung Chung Integrated Services("SKH TC")
With this latest collaboration, HINCare believes its Time Banking System can make a greater contribution to the community and help more NGOs in their social welfare endeavours.