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Time Bank Bazaar


HINCare aims to develop a Time Bank system for the Shing Kung Hui Tsang Kwan O Elderly Center (STE, 聖公會將軍澳安老服務大樓), a large elderly-care organization in Hong Kong. STE is going to organize a Time Bank Bazaar (織福大笪地), to promote the app. The Bazaar will have various booths selling home-made snacks, handicrafts and Chinese drawings, made by the elderly of STE. The elders will also share their life stories in interactive sessions with the participants.

We sincerely invite all parties and individuals to come visit and have fun with us!

Location: Shing Kung Hui Tsang Kwan O Elderly Center, 101 Po Lam Road North, Tseung Kwan O, Kowloon

Time: 1pm - 4pm

Entrance Fee: Free


HINCare 為聖公會將軍澳安老服務大樓(簡稱 STE)開發時間銀行系統。STE即將舉行「織福大笪地」活動,由計劃負責社工及顧問分享計劃運作,而一眾老友記就分享互助故事。此外,現場還設有多個攤位,展出老友記的親手製的小食、手工藝作品、書法等。

現誠摯邀請大家及 貴團隊蒞臨,敬請大家光臨指導。


時間:下午 1 - 4 時


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