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Invitation to the Jockey Club SMART Family-Link Project Symposium誠邀參與「賽馬會智家樂計劃」研討會2021」


You are cordially invited to attend the Jockey Club SMART Family-Link Project Symposium 2021. The 4-day Symposium will assemble local and overseas scholars, as well as the leaders from the social welfare sector to share innovations in enhancing family resilience and envision the future development of family services in the post pandemic era. It will serve as a platform for wisdom sharing and experiential learning among field experts, professionals, and people who are interested in promoting family well-being.

We look forward to seeing you and your family virtually!

—— Jockey Club SMART Family-Link Project

Prof. Reynold Cheng, HINCare's project coordinator, is invited to give a talk on Day 4 in the symposium. The Topic is "Big Data for Social Good: How Is Big Data Helping Social Workers".

Registration is now OPEN! (Upon successful registration, a direct access link will be sent to you one week prior to the event.)

Registration Link:

Facebook:@jcsmartfamilylink (Experiential Workshops will go live on Facebook)

誠邀 閣下參加「賽馬會智家樂計劃」研討會2021」,為期四天的網上研討會,將匯集本地和海外學者以及社福界領袖,分享如何帶領創新服務以提升家庭抗逆力,以及探討在後疫情時代下家庭服務的新機遇。設有多個不同主題的專業討論及體驗互動平台,以促進業界及關注家庭福祉的人士的經驗交流。期待與您在線見面!



立即登記!(完成登記後,Zoom Webinar網上視像研討會連結將於活動進行透過電郵發送給參加者。)


Facebook: @jcsmartfamilylink (體驗工作坊將在Facebook網上直播)

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