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Don't miss out on Prof. Reynold Cheng's interview on RTHK!

Updated: May 3, 2023

Our project coordinator, Prof. Reynold Cheng, has been invited to an interview on the program "太陽底下新鮮事" from Radio Television Hong Kong, RTHK. Tune in this Sunday and next Sunday at 5-6 pm to hear from Prof. Cheng about the HINCare Time Banking Project and i-Connect Project. These are both STAR Lab projects led by Prof. Reynold. With the topic of "Data Science for Social Goods",he will discuss the concepts of HINCare Project and i-Connect Project, and how seniors can embrace technology. Prof. Cheng will also share insights on how to promote the use of new technologies in the social work industry. Stay tuned for the program!

Listen up, friends! Click the link below to hear the audio clip of the interview about HINCare and get some juicy insights straight from Prof.Reynold!

The first episode : HINCare (手牽守): An Intelligent Timebanking and Volunteering App

The second episode: Jockey Club Smart Family Link(賽馬會智家樂計劃) + Data Science Education in HK

Full Interview:

Program: 《太陽底下新鮮事》

Topic:Data Science for Social Goods

Channel: RTHK Radio 1 (FM 92.6-94.4)

Broadcast date and time: Sunday 5-6 pm

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