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A video conference with Edmonton Seniors Coordinating Council , Canada


Updated: May 22, 2020

A video conference between HINCare team, SKH TKO Elderly Service Center ("STESC") and Edmonton Seniors Coordinating Council ("ESCC" Canada) was held on 16 Jul Tue. at the Computer Science Department Conference Room, HKU.

The objective of the meeting is to share the time banking project "WOW (Weaving of Wellness)" experiences at STESC with ESCC. The sharing might lead to the development of a time bank model in serving seniors in Edmonton, Canada. The meeting also served as a professional connection building between Edmonton and Hong Kong for future experience and knowledge exchange in seniors support and services.

Attendees of the video conference includes :

From Canada :

Mr Paul Cheung, Vice-Chair of the board of the Edmonton Seniors Coordinating Council and his members (Canada)

From Hong Kong :

Ms. KO, Ming Hui - Service Supervisor, SKH Tseung Kwan O Elderly Services

WOW (Weaving of Wellness") members (the volunteers)

Prof. LUM, Terry - Department Head of Social Work and Social Administration, HKU

Dr. CHENG, Reynold - HINCare Project Coordination, Department of Computer Science, HKU

Dr. LAU, Vincent - Hong Kong Applied Science & Technology Research Institute

The meeting was very successful. While STESC shared the current practices and road ahead of the WOW project, HINCare team shared the knowledge and efforts in providing an artificial intelligent based matching platform and mobile app for the WOW time bank project.

ESCC is showing great interest and would like to create similar program here in Edmonton. and more information about them can be find on


HINCare團隊、將軍澳聖公會老人服務中心(簡稱“STESC”)同加拿大艾德蒙德長者委員會(簡稱“ESCC” Canada)在2019年7月16日於香港大學計算機科學學院進行了視頻會議。




Mr Paul Cheung, Vice-Chair of the board of the Edmonton Seniors Coordinating Council and his members (Canada)


Ms. KO, Ming Hui - Service Supervisor, SKH Tseung Kwan O Elderly Services

WOW (Weaving of Wellness") members (the volunteers)

Prof. LUM, Terry - Department Head of Social Work and Social Administration, HKU

Dr. CHENG, Reynold - HINCare Project Coordination, Department of Computer Science, HKU

Dr. LAU, Vincent - Hong Kong Applied Science & Technology Research Institute



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