The first IEEE ICDM Workshop on Data Mining for Healthy Aging will be held on 17 Nov. 2020 in Sorrento, Italy. Prof. Reynold Cheng, project coordinator of HINCare, is one of the organisers of the workshop.
The IEEE ICDM Workshop on Data Mining for the Healthy Aging (DHA) explores the challenges imposed by a rapidly aging population. Advances in medicine, infrastructure, and our society as a whole have increased the average human life expectancy significantly. The growing number of people aged 60 years and over poses new and unique challenges to our society which we can only tackle together. The goal of DHA is to provide a platform for research related to all aspects of data mining and our aging population. This includes but is not limited to the following topics: Healthy Aging, Eldercare, Mobility, Financial and Economic aspects, Lifestyle and Quality of Life, Work and Engagement, Diseases, End of Life.
For more information about the ICDM 2020 DHA Workshop, please visit https://www.dha20.cs.hku.hk/
第一屆IEEE ICDM 關於健康老年化的數據挖掘工作坊將在2020年11月17日在義大利索倫托(Sorrento)舉行。HINCare項目負責人Reynold Cheng教授是工作坊組織者之一。
IEEE ICDM on Data Mining for the Healthy Aging (即關於健康老年化的數據挖掘,簡稱“DHA”)工作坊會探索面臨快速的人口老齡化問題迎來的挑戰。醫藥、公共設施同我們的社會整體的提升,顯著地延長了平均人類壽命。隨著60歲以上老年人數目的增長引發的前所未有的挑戰,可以讓我們社會共同來解決。DHA工作坊的宗旨是為所有數據挖掘同人口老齡化的研究提供一個平台。話題包括但不限於健康老年化、老年關懷、流動性、金融經濟方面、生活方式和質素、工作投入、疾病和生命終止等。
如想了解更多2020 ICDM DHA工作坊資料,請瀏覽